Powering the Next Generation
Electrical power designs are a key element to any facility or equipment design, renovation, or retrofit. For over 18 years, CDE Electrical team has provided superlative quality designs for almost every project that has come through our doors. Our team of professional electrical engineers can help you design your low/medium/high voltage distribution systems, lighting systems of all kinds, fire alarms systems, controls, and multimedia systems. It doesn't end there as CDE also offers expertise in designing power generation options (generators/solar/PV), transformer and motor sizing, lightning protection systems, and power condition. Have an unknown issue with your power? Our Electrical team is also experts in conducting a wide array of electrical analysis studies to help diagnose the issues at hand.
Our team offers clients a variegating array of expertise in designs for projects of all types: educational facilities/equipment, clean power, critical power, launch systems power, as well as large industrial and commercial applications.
Looking for Clean Power?
Recent Electrical Projects
Restoration and Renovation to the NASA Locomotive Shelter
Design of the Mori Hosseini Center at Daytona State College
Renovation of Building 614
Belle Glades Technical Education Facility and Chiller Plant
NASA's SSPF Science Annex
Design/Build NASA Generator RICE-NESHAP Compliance Projects
UCF Wayne Densch Expansion Building
Eastern Florida State College Health Sciences Building